Source code for embedded_voting.embeddings.embeddings_correlation

from embedded_voting.embeddings.embeddings import Embeddings

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class EmbeddingsCorrelation(Embeddings): """Embeddings based on correlation, dedicated to :class:`RuleFast`. Parameters ---------- positions : np.ndarray or list or Embeddings The embeddings of the voters. Its dimensions are :attr:`n_voters`, :attr:`n_dim`. n_sing_val : int "Effective" number of singular values. ratings_means : np.ndarray Mean rating for each voter. ratings_stds : np.ndarray Standard deviation of the ratings for each voter. norm: bool If True, normalize the embeddings. Examples -------- >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsCorrelation([[1, 2], [3, 4]], n_sing_val=2, ratings_means=[.1, .2], ... ratings_stds=[.3, .4], norm=True) >>> embeddings EmbeddingsCorrelation([[0.4472136 , 0.89442719], [0.6 , 0.8 ]]) >>> embeddings.n_sing_val 2 >>> embeddings.ratings_means [0.1, 0.2] >>> embeddings2 = embeddings.copy() >>> embeddings2.n_sing_val 2 """ def __new__(cls, positions, n_sing_val, ratings_means, ratings_stds, norm): obj = super().__new__(cls, positions=positions, norm=norm) obj.n_sing_val = n_sing_val obj.ratings_means = ratings_means obj.ratings_stds = ratings_stds return obj