Source code for embedded_voting.experiments.aggregation

import numpy as np
import embedded_voting as ev
from tqdm import tqdm
from multiprocess.pool import Pool

[docs]def evaluate(list_agg, truth, testing, training, pool=None): """ Run a sim. Parameters ---------- list_agg: :class:`list` Rules to test. truth: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Ground truth of testing values (n_tries X n_candidates). testing: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Estimated scores (n_agents X n_tries X n_candidates). training: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Training scores (n_agents X training_size). pool: :class:`~mulyiprocess.pool.Pool`, optional. Use parallelism. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Efficiency of each algorithm. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> n_training = 10 >>> n_tries = 100 >>> n_c = 20 >>> generator = make_generator() >>> training = generator(n_training) >>> testing = generator(n_tries*n_c).reshape(generator.n_voters, n_tries, n_c) >>> truth = generator.ground_truth_.reshape(n_tries, n_c) >>> list_agg = make_aggs(order=default_order+['Rand']) >>> with Pool() as p: ... res = evaluate(list_agg=list_agg[:-1], truth=truth, testing=testing, training=training, pool=p) >>> ', '.join( f"{}: {r:.2f}" for a, r in zip(list_agg, res) ) 'MA: 0.94, PL+: 0.89, EV+: 0.95, EV: 0.94, AV: 0.90, PV: 0.86, RV: 0.85, Single: 0.82, PL: 0.78' >>> res = evaluate(list_agg=list_agg, truth=truth, testing=testing, training=training) >>> ', '.join( f"{}: {r:.2f}" for a, r in zip(list_agg, res) ) 'MA: 0.94, PL+: 0.89, EV+: 0.95, EV: 0.94, AV: 0.90, PV: 0.86, RV: 0.85, Single: 0.82, PL: 0.78, Rand: 0.49' """ n_tries = testing.shape[1] for agg in list_agg: if'+'): _ = agg(training).winner_ agg.train() results = np.zeros(len(list_agg)) def election(bundle): ratings_candidates, truth_candidates = bundle res = np.zeros(len(list_agg)) # Reset the trained aggregators for consistency for agg in list_agg: if[-1] != '+': agg.reset() # Welfare welfare = ev.RuleSumRatings()(ev.Ratings([truth_candidates])).welfare_ # We run the aggregators, and we look at the welfare of the winner for k, agg in enumerate(list_agg): w = agg(ratings_candidates).winner_ res[k] += welfare[w] return res if pool is not None: chunk_size = max(1, int(n_tries / 100)) for result in pool.imap_unordered(election, tqdm(((testing[:, i, :], truth[i, :]) for i in range(n_tries)), total=n_tries), chunksize=chunk_size): results += result else: for result in (election( (testing[:, i, :], truth[i, :]) ) for i in tqdm(range(n_tries))): results += result return results / n_tries
[docs]def make_generator(groups=None, truth=None, features=None, feat_noise=1, feat_f=None, dist_noise=.1, dist_f=None): """ Parameters ---------- groups: :class:`list` of `int` Sizes of each group. truth: :class:`TruthGenerator`, default=N(0, 1) Ground truth generator. features: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Features correlations. feat_noise: :class:`float`, default=1.0 Feature noise intensity. feat_f: `method`, default to normal law Feature noise distribution. dist_noise: :class:`float`, default=0.1 Distinct noise intensity. dist_f: `method`, default to normal law Distinct noise distribution. Returns ------- :class:`Generator` Provides grounds truth and estimates. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> generator = make_generator() >>> ratings = generator(2) >>> truth = generator.ground_truth_ >>> truth[0] 0.4967141530112327 >>> ratings[:, 0] Ratings([1.22114616, 1.09745525, 1.1986587 , 1.09806092, 1.09782972, 1.16859892, 0.95307467, 0.97191091, 1.08817394, 1.04311958, 1.17582742, 1.05360028, 1.00317232, 1.29096757, 1.12182506, 1.15115551, 1.00192787, 1.08996442, 1.15549495, 1.02930333, 2.05731381, 0.20249691, 0.23340782, 2.01575631]) >>> truth[1] -0.13826430117118466 >>> ratings[:, 1] Ratings([ 1.73490024, 1.51804687, 1.58119528, 1.73370001, 1.78786054, 1.73115071, 1.70244906, 1.68390351, 1.56616168, 1.64202946, 1.66795001, 1.81972611, 1.74837571, 1.53770987, 1.74642228, 1.67550566, 1.64632168, 1.77518151, 1.81711384, 1.8071419 , -0.23568328, -1.22689647, 0.71740695, -1.26155344]) """ if groups is None: groups = [20] + [1]*4 if truth is None: truth = ev.TruthGeneratorNormal(0, 1) if features is None: features = np.eye(len(groups)) if feat_f is None: feat_f = np.random.normal if dist_f is None: dist_f = np.random.normal generator_parameters = { "truth_generator": truth, "groups_sizes": groups, # Number of estimators in each group "groups_features": features, # Features of the groups "group_noise": feat_noise, # Standard deviation of the feature noise "group_noise_f": feat_f, # Distribution for feature noise "independent_noise": dist_noise, # Standard deviation of the distinct noise "independent_noise_f": dist_f, # Distribution for feature noise } return ev.RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupsMixFree(**generator_parameters)
[docs]def f_max(ratings_v, history_mean, history_std): """ Parameters ---------- ratings_v: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Score vector. history_mean: :class:`float` Observed mean. history_std: :class:`float` Observed standard deviation Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The positive part of the normalized scores. Examples -------- >>> f_max(10, 5, 2) 2.5 >>> f_max(10, 20, 10) 0.0 """ return np.maximum(0, (ratings_v - history_mean) / history_std)
[docs]def f_renorm(ratings_v, history_mean, history_std): """ Parameters ---------- ratings_v: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Score vector. history_mean: :class:`float` Observed mean. history_std: :class:`float` Observed standard deviation Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The scores with mean and std normalized. Examples -------- >>> f_renorm(10, 5, 2) 2.5 >>> f_renorm(10, 20, 10) -1.0 """ return (ratings_v - history_mean) / history_std
[docs]class SingleEstimator: """ Returns the best estimation of one given agent. Mimics a `Rule`. Parameters ---------- i: :class:`int` Index of the selected agents. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> generator = make_generator() >>> ratings = generator(7) >>> rule = SingleEstimator(10) >>> ratings[10, :] Ratings([ 1.2709017 , 0.03209107, 1.98196138, 1.12347711, -1.55465272, -0.72448238, 0.63366952]) >>> rule(ratings).winner_ 2 """ def __init__(self, i): self.i = i self.winner_ = None def __call__(self, ratings, embeddings=None): self.winner_ = np.argmax(ratings[self.i]) return self
[docs]class RandomWinner: """ Returns a random winner. Mimics a `Rule`. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> generator = make_generator() >>> ratings = generator(7) >>> rule = RandomWinner() >>> rule(ratings).winner_ 4 >>> rule(ratings).winner_ 3 """ def __init__(self): self.winner_ = None def __call__(self, ratings, embeddings=None): self.winner_ = np.random.randint(ratings.shape[1]) return self
[docs]def make_aggs(groups=None, order=None, features=None, group_noise=1, distinct_noise=.1): """ Crafts a list of aggregator rules. Parameters ---------- groups: :class:`list` of `int` Sizes of each group (for the Model-Aware rule). order: :class:`list`, optional Short names of the aggregators to return. features: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Features correlations (for the Model-Aware rule). Default to independent groups. group_noise: :class:`float`, default=1.0 Feature noise intensity. distinct_noise: :class:`float`, default=0.1 Distinct noise intensity. Returns ------- :class:`list` Aggregators. Examples -------- >>> list_agg = make_aggs() >>> [ for agg in list_agg] ['MA', 'PL+', 'EV+', 'EV', 'AV', 'PV', 'RV', 'Single', 'PL'] """ if groups is None: groups = [20] + [1]*4 if order is None: order = default_order if features is None: features = np.eye(len(groups)) dict_agg = { 'MA': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleModelAware(groups, features, group_noise, distinct_noise), name="MA"), 'EV': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleFastNash(), name="EV"), 'AV': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleRatingsHistory(rule=ev.RuleApprovalProduct(), f=f_max), name="AV"), 'PV': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleRatingsHistory(rule=ev.RuleShiftProduct(), f=f_renorm), name="PV"), 'RV': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleRatingsHistory(rule=ev.RuleSumRatings(), f=f_renorm), name="RV"), 'PL': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleRatingsHistory(rule=ev.RuleMLEGaussian(), f=f_renorm), name="PL"), 'PL+': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleRatingsHistory(rule=ev.RuleMLEGaussian(), f=f_renorm), name="PL+", default_train=False, default_add=False), 'EV+': ev.Aggregator(rule=ev.RuleFastNash(), name="EV+", default_train=False, default_add=False), 'Single': ev.Aggregator(rule=SingleEstimator(groups[0] - 1), name="Single"), 'Rand': ev.Aggregator(rule=RandomWinner(), name="Rand"), } return [dict_agg[k] for k in order]
default_order = ['MA', 'PL+', 'EV+', 'EV', 'AV', 'PV', 'RV', 'Single', 'PL'] colors = {"EV": "#de302a", "AV": "#32e62c", "RV": "#dee046", "PL": "#2488ed", "PL+": "#4540cf", "EV+": "#a83d3d", "Rand": "#686868", "MA": "#454545", "Single": "#808080", "PV": "#ed921a"} default_handles = {"EV": "\\gls{ev}", "AV": "\\gls{av}", "RV": "\\gls{rv}", "PL": "\\gls{ml}", "PL+": "\\gls{ml+}", "EV+": "\\gls{ev+}", "Rand": "\\gls{rw}", "MA": "\\gls{ga}", "Single": "\\gls{sa}", "PV": "\\gls{np}"} handles = {"EV": "EV", "AV": "AV", "RV": "RV", "PL": "PL", "PL+": "PL+", "EV+": "EV+", "Rand": "RW", "MA": "MA", "Single": "SA", "PV": "NP"}