Source code for embedded_voting.manipulation.individual_manipulation.manipulation

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from embedded_voting.embeddings.embeddings import Embeddings
from embedded_voting.embeddings.embeddings_generator_polarized import EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized
from embedded_voting.ratings.ratings import Ratings
from embedded_voting.ratings_from_embeddings.ratings_from_embeddings_correlated import RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated
from embedded_voting.rules.singlewinner_rules.rule_svd_nash import RuleSVDNash
from embedded_voting.utils.cached import DeleteCacheMixin, cached_property
from embedded_voting.utils.plots import create_map_plot

[docs]class Manipulation(DeleteCacheMixin): """ This general class is used for the analysis of the manipulability of some :class:`Rule` by a single voter. For instance, what proportion of voters can change the result of the rule (to their advantage) by giving false preferences ? Parameters ---------- ratings: Ratings or np.ndarray The ratings of voters to candidates embeddings: Embeddings The embeddings of the voters rule : Rule The aggregation rule we want to analysis. Attributes ---------- ratings : Profile The ratings of voters on which we do the analysis. rule : Rule The aggregation rule we want to analysis. winner_ : int The index of the winner of the election without manipulation. scores_ : float list The scores of the candidates without manipulation. welfare_ : float list The welfares of the candidates without manipulation. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.winner_ 1 >>> manipulation.welfare_ [0.6651173304239..., 1.0, 0.0] """ def __init__(self, ratings, embeddings, rule=None): self.ratings = Ratings(ratings) self.embeddings = Embeddings(embeddings, norm=True) self.rule = rule if rule is not None: global_rule = self.rule(self.ratings, self.embeddings) self.winner_ = global_rule.winner_ self.scores_ = global_rule.scores_ self.welfare_ = global_rule.welfare_ else: self.winner_ = None self.scores_ = None self.welfare_ = None def __call__(self, rule): self.rule = rule global_rule = self.rule(self.ratings, self.embeddings) self.winner_ = global_rule.winner_ self.scores_ = global_rule.scores_ self.welfare_ = global_rule.welfare_ self.delete_cache() return self
[docs] def set_profile(self, ratings, embeddings=None): """ This function update the ratings of voters on which we do the analysis. Parameters ---------- ratings : Ratings or np.ndarray embeddings : Embeddings Return ------ Manipulation The object itself. """ if embeddings is not None: self.embeddings = Embeddings(embeddings, norm=True) self.ratings = Ratings(ratings) global_rule = self.rule(self.ratings, self.embeddings) self.winner_ = global_rule.winner_ self.scores_ = global_rule.scores_ self.welfare_ = global_rule.welfare_ self.delete_cache() return self
[docs] def manipulation_voter(self, i): """ This function return, for the `i^th` voter, its favorite candidate that he can turn to a winner by manipulating the election. Parameters ---------- i : int The index of the voter. Return ------ int The index of the best candidate that can be elected by manipulation. """ score_i = self.ratings.voter_ratings(i).copy() preferences_order = np.argsort(score_i)[::-1] # If the favorite of the voter is the winner, he will not manipulate if preferences_order[0] == self.winner_: return self.winner_ n_candidates = self.ratings.n_candidates self.ratings[i] = np.ones(n_candidates) scores_max = self.rule(self.ratings, self.embeddings).scores_ self.ratings[i] = np.zeros(n_candidates) scores_min = self.rule(self.ratings, self.embeddings).scores_ self.ratings[i] = score_i all_scores = [(s, i, 1) for i, s in enumerate(scores_max)] all_scores += [(s, i, 0) for i, s in enumerate(scores_min)] all_scores.sort() all_scores = all_scores[::-1] best_manipulation = np.where(preferences_order == self.winner_)[0][0] for (_, i, k) in all_scores: if k == 0: break index_candidate = np.where(preferences_order == i)[0][0] if index_candidate < best_manipulation: best_manipulation = index_candidate best_manipulation = preferences_order[best_manipulation] return best_manipulation
@cached_property def manipulation_global_(self): """ This function applies the function :meth:`manipulation_voter` to every voter. Return ------ int list The list of the best candidates that can be turned into the winner for each voter. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.manipulation_global_ [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] """ return [self.manipulation_voter(i) for i in range(self.ratings.n_voters)] @cached_property def prop_manipulator_(self): """ This function computes the proportion of voters that can manipulate the election. Return ------ float The proportion of voters that can manipulate the election. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.prop_manipulator_ 0.2 """ return len([x for x in self.manipulation_global_ if x != self.winner_]) / self.ratings.n_voters @cached_property def avg_welfare_(self): """ The function computes the average welfare of the winning candidate after a voter manipulation. Return ------ float The average welfare. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.avg_welfare_ 0.933... """ return np.mean([self.welfare_[x] for x in self.manipulation_global_]) @cached_property def worst_welfare_(self): """ This function computes the worst possible welfare achievable by single voter manipulation. Return ------ float The worst welfare. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.worst_welfare_ 0.665... """ return np.min([self.welfare_[x] for x in self.manipulation_global_]) @cached_property def is_manipulable_(self): """ This function quickly computes if the ratings is manipulable or not. Return ------ bool If True, the ratings is manipulable by a single voter. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> ratings_dim_candidate = [[1, .2, 0], [.5, .6, .9], [.1, .8, .3]] >>> embeddings = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(10, 3)(.8) >>> ratings = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.8, ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate)(embeddings) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(ratings, embeddings, RuleSVDNash()) >>> manipulation.is_manipulable_ True """ for i in range(self.ratings.n_voters): if self.manipulation_voter(i) != self.winner_: return True return False
[docs] def manipulation_map(self, map_size=20, ratings_dim_candidate=None, show=True): """ A function to plot the manipulability of the ratings when the ``polarisation`` and the ``coherence`` of the :class:`ParametricProfile` vary. The number of voters, dimensions, and candidates are those of the :attr:`profile_`. Parameters ---------- map_size : int The number of different ``coherence`` and ``polarisation`` parameters tested. The total number of test is `map_size` `^2`. ratings_dim_candidate : np.ndarray Matrix of shape :attr:`~embedded_voting.Profile.embeddings.n_dim`, :attr:`~embedded_voting.Profile.n_candidates` containing the scores given by each group. More precisely, `ratings_dim_candidate[i,j]` is the score given by the group represented by the dimension `i` to the candidate `j`. If None specified, a new matrix is generated for each test. show : bool If True, display the manipulation maps at the end of the function. Return ------ dict The manipulation maps : ``manipulator`` for the proportion of manipulator, ``worst_welfare`` and ``avg_welfare`` for the welfare maps. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> emb = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(100, 3)(0) >>> rat = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(n_dim=3, n_candidates=5)(emb) >>> manipulation = Manipulation(rat, emb, rule=RuleSVDNash()) >>> maps = manipulation.manipulation_map(map_size=5, show=False) >>> maps['manipulator'] array([[0.33, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.34, 0.22, 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.01, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.19, 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.57, 0.22, 0. , 0. , 0. ]]) """ manipulator = np.zeros((map_size, map_size)) worst_welfare = np.zeros((map_size, map_size)) avg_welfare = np.zeros((map_size, map_size)) n_voters, n_candidates = self.ratings.shape n_dim = self.embeddings.n_dim embeddings_generator = EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized(n_voters, n_dim) for i in range(map_size): for j in range(map_size): ratings_generator = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated( n_candidates=n_candidates, n_dim=n_dim, coherence=j/(map_size-1), ratings_dim_candidate=ratings_dim_candidate) embeddings = embeddings_generator(polarisation=i/(map_size-1)) ratings = ratings_generator(embeddings) self.set_profile(ratings, embeddings) manipulator[i, j] = self.prop_manipulator_ worst_welfare[i, j] = self.worst_welfare_ avg_welfare[i, j] = self.avg_welfare_ if show: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) create_map_plot(fig, manipulator, [1, 3, 1], "Proportion of manipulators") create_map_plot(fig, avg_welfare, [1, 3, 2], "Average welfare") create_map_plot(fig, worst_welfare, [1, 3, 3], "Worst welfare") return {"manipulator": manipulator, "worst_welfare": worst_welfare, "avg_welfare": avg_welfare}