0.1.7 (2023-02-14)¶
- New API for aggregation simulations: evaluate, make_generator, f_max, f_renorm, SingleEstimator, RandomWinner, make_aggs.
- Notebooks for IJCAI-23 paper submission
0.1.6 (2023-01-23)¶
- Aggregators: * Possibility to add or not the current ratings to the training set.
- Embeddings:
- The parameter norm has no default value (instead of True).
- Fix a bug: when norm=False, the values of the attributes n_voter and n_dim were swapped by mistake.
- Rename method scored to times_ratings_candidate.
- Rename method _get_center to get_center, so that it is now part of the API.
- Rename method normalize to normalized, recenter to recentered, dilate to dilated because they return a new Embeddings object (not modify the object in place).
- Fix a bug in method get_center.
- Methods get_center, recentered and dilated now also work with non-normalized embeddings.
- Document that dilated can output embeddings that are not in the positive orthant.
- Add dilated_new: new dilatation method whose output is in the positive orthant.
- Add recentered_and_dilated: recenter and dilate the embeddings (using dilated_new).
- Add mixed_with: mix the given Embeddings object with another one.
- Rename plot_scores to plot_ratings_candidate.
- Embeddings generators:
- Rename EmbeddingsGeneratorRandom to EmbeddingsGeneratorUniform.
- Add EmbeddingsGeneratorFullyPolarized: create embeddings that are random vectors of the canonical basis.
- EmbeddingsGeneratorPolarized now relies on EmbeddingsGeneratorUniform, EmbeddingsGeneratorFullyPolarized and the method Embeddings.mixed_with.
- Move EmbeddingCorrelation and renamed it.
- Rewrote the EmbeddingsFromRatingsCorrelation and how it compute the number of singular values to take.
- Epistemic ratings generators:
- Add TruthGenerator: a generator for the ground truth (“true value”) of each candidate.
- Add TruthGeneratorUniform: a uniform generator for the ground truth (“true value”) of each candidate.
- RatingsGeneratorEpistemic and its subclasses now take a TruthGenerator as parameter.
- Add RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroups as an intermediate class between the parent class RatingsGeneratorEpistemic and the child classes using groups of voters.
- RatingsGeneratorEpistemic now do not take groups sizes as parameter: only RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroups and its subclasses do.
- Rename RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupedMean to RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupsMean, RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupedMix to RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupsMix RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupedNoise to RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupsNoise.
- Remove method RatingsGeneratorEpistemic.generate_true_values: the same result can be obtained with RatingsGeneratorEpistemic.truth_generator.
- Add RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupedMixFree and RatingsGeneratorEpistemicGroupsMixScale.
- Ratings generators:
- RatingsGenerator and subclasses: remove *args in call because it was not used.
- RatingsGeneratorUniform: add optional parameters minimum_rating and maximum_rating.
- Possibility to save scores in a csv file
- RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated:
- Move parameter coherence from __call__ to __init__.
- Rename parameter scores_matrix to ratings_dim_candidate.
- Parameters n_dim and n_candidates are optional if ratings_dim_candidate is specified.
- Add optional parameters minimum_random_rating, maximum_random_rating and clip.
- Parameter clip now defaults to False (the former version behaved as if clip was always True).
- Single-winner rules:
- Rename ScoringRule to Rule.
- Rename all subclasses accordingly. For example, rename FastNash to RuleFastNash.
- Rename SumScores to RuleSumRatings and ProductScores to RuleProductRatings.
- Rename RulePositionalExtension to RulePositional and rename subclasses accordingly.
- Rename RuleInstantRunoffExtension to RuleInstantRunoff.
- Add RuleApprovalSum, RuleApprovalProduct, RuleApprovalRandom.
- Changed the default renormalization function in RuleFast.
- Change the method in RuleMLEGaussian.
- Add RuleModelAware.
- Add RuleRatingsHistory.
- Add RuleShiftProduct which replace RuleProductRatings.
- Multiwinner rules: rename all rules with prefix MultiwinnerRule. For example, rename IterFeatures to MultiwinnerRuleIterFeatures.
- Manipulation:
- Rename SingleVoterManipulation to Manipulation and rename subclasses accordingly.
- Rename SingleVoterManipulationExtension to ManipulationOrdinal and rename subclasses accordingly.
- Rename ManipulationCoalitionExtension to ManipulationCoalitionOrdinal and rename subclasses accordingly.
- Rename AggregatorSum to AggregatorSumRatings and AggregatorProduct to AggregatorProductRatings.
- Add max_angular_dilatation_factor: maximum angular dilatation factor to stay in the positive orthant.
- Rename create_3D_plot to create_3d_plot.
- Moved function to the utils module.
- Reorganize the file structure of the project.
0.1.5 (2022-01-04)¶
- Aggregator functions.
- Online learning.
- Refactoring Truth epistemic generators.
- Rule taking history into account.
0.1.4 (2021-12-06)¶
- New version with new structure for Ratings and Embeddings
0.1.3 (2021-10-27)¶
- New version with new internal structure for the library
0.1.2 (2021-07-05)¶
- New version with handy way to use the library for algorithm aggregation and epistemic social choice
0.1.1 (2021-04-02)¶
- Minor bugs.
0.1.0 (2021-03-31)¶
- End of the internship, first release on PyPI.