Source code for embedded_voting.rules.singlewinner_rules.rule_positional

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of Embedded Voting.
import numpy as np
from embedded_voting.embeddings.embeddings import Embeddings
from embedded_voting.ratings.ratings import Ratings
from embedded_voting.rules.singlewinner_rules.rule import Rule
from embedded_voting.rules.singlewinner_rules.rule_svd_nash import RuleSVDNash
from embedded_voting.embeddings_from_ratings.embeddings_from_ratings_identity import EmbeddingsFromRatingsIdentity

[docs]class RulePositional(Rule): """ This class enables to extend a voting rule to an ordinal input with a positional scoring rule. Parameters ---------- points : list The vector of the positional scoring rule. Should be of the same length than the number of candidates. In each ranking, candidate ranked at position `i` get `points[i]` points. rule : Rule The aggregation rule used to determine the aggregated scores of the candidates. Attributes ---------- fake_ratings_ : ratings The modified ratings of voters (with ordinal scores) on which we run the election. points : np.ndarray The vector of the positional scoring rule. Should be of the same length than the number of candidates. In each ranking, candidate ranked at position `i` get `points[i]` points. base_rule : Rule The aggregation rule used to determine the aggregated scores of the candidates. _rule : Rule The aggregation rule instantiated with the :attr:`fake_ratings`. _score_components : The number of components in the score of every candidate. If `> 1`, we perform a lexical sort to obtain the ranking. Examples -------- >>> ratings = np.array([[.1, .2, .8, 1], [.7, .9, .8, .6], [1, .6, .1, .3]]) >>> embeddings = Embeddings([[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]], norm=True) >>> election = RuleSVDNash()(ratings, embeddings) >>> election.ranking_ [3, 0, 1, 2] >>> election_bis = RulePositional([2, 1, 1, 0])(ratings, embeddings) >>> election_bis.fake_ratings_ Ratings([[0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. ], [0.5, 1. , 0.5, 0. ], [1. , 0.5, 0. , 0.5]]) >>> election_bis.set_rule(RuleSVDNash())(ratings, embeddings).ranking_ [1, 3, 0, 2] """ def __init__(self, points, rule=None): super().__init__() self.points = points self.base_rule = rule if rule is not None: self.score_components = rule.score_components self._rule = None def __call__(self, ratings, embeddings=None): self.ratings_ = Ratings(ratings) if embeddings is None: embeddings = EmbeddingsFromRatingsIdentity()(self.ratings_) self.embeddings_ = Embeddings(embeddings, norm=True) self.fake_ratings_ = Ratings(self._create_fake_ratings()) if self.base_rule is not None: self._rule = self.base_rule(self.fake_ratings_, self.embeddings_) self.delete_cache() return self
[docs] def set_rule(self, rule): """ This function updates the :attr:`base_rule` used for the election. Parameters ---------- rule : Rule The new rule to use. Return ------ RulePositional The object itself. """ self.base_rule = rule self.score_components = rule.score_components self.delete_cache() return self
def _create_fake_ratings(self): """ This function creates the fake ratings for the election (using the :attr:`points` vector). Return ------ np.ndarray The fake ratings. """ points = np.array(self.points)/np.max(self.points) fake_ratings = np.zeros(self.ratings_.shape) for i in range(self.ratings_.n_voters): scores_i = self.ratings_.voter_ratings(i) ord_i = np.argsort(scores_i)[::-1] ord_i = np.argsort(ord_i) fake_ratings[i] = points[ord_i] return fake_ratings def _score_(self, candidate): return self._rule.scores_[candidate]
[docs] def plot_fake_ratings(self, plot_kind="3D", dim=None, list_candidates=None, list_titles=None, row_size=5, show=True): """ This function plot the candidates in the fake ratings, obtained using the scoring vector :attr:`points`. Parameters ---------- plot_kind : str The kind of plot we want to show. Can be ``'3D'`` or ``'ternary'``. dim : list The 3 dimensions we are using for our plot. By default, it is set to ``[0, 1, 2]``. list_candidates : int list The list of candidates we want to plot. Should contains integers lower than ``n_candidates``. By default, we plot all candidates. list_titles : str list Contains the title of the plots. Should be the same length than `list_candidates`. row_size : int Number of subplots by row. By default, it is set to 5 plots by rows. show : bool If True, displays the figure at the end of the function. """ self.embeddings_.plot_candidates(self.fake_ratings_, plot_kind=plot_kind, dim=dim, list_candidates=list_candidates, list_titles=list_titles, row_size=row_size, show=show)