Correlated Ratings From Embeddings

class embedded_voting.RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=0, ratings_dim_candidate=None, n_dim=None, n_candidates=None, minimum_random_rating=0, maximum_random_rating=1, clip=False)[source]

Generate ratings from embeddings and from a matrix where each embedding dimension gives a rating to each candidate.

ratings_automatic[voter, candidate] is computed as the average of ratings_dim_candidate[:, candidate], weighted by the squares of emdeddings[voter, :]. In particular, for each voter belonging to group i (in the sense that their embedding is the i-th vector of the canonical basis), then ratings_automatic[voter, candidate] is equal to ratings_dim_candidate[i, candidate].

ratings_random[voter, candidate] is computed as a uniform random number between minimum_random_rating and maximum_random_rating.

Finally, ratings is the barycenter: coherence * ratings_automatic + (1 - coherence) * ratings_random.

  • coherence (float) – Between 0 and 1, indicates the degree of coherence between voters having similar embeddings. If 0, the ratings are purely random. If 1, the ratings are automatically deduced from embeddings and ratings_dim_candidate.
  • ratings_dim_candidate (np.ndarray or list) – An array with shape n_dim, n_candidates. The coefficient ratings_dim_candidate[dim, candidate] is the score given by the group represented by the dimension dim to the candidate. By default, it is set at random with a uniform distribution in the interval [minimum_random_rating, maximum_random_rating].
  • n_dim (int) – The number of dimension of the embeddings. Used to generate ratings_dim_candidate if it is not specified.
  • n_candidates (int) – The number of candidates. Used to generate ratings_dim_candidate if it is not specified.
  • minimum_random_rating (float) – Minimum rating for the random part.
  • maximum_random_rating (float) – Maximum rating for the random part.
  • clip (bool) – If true, the final ratings are clipped in the interval [minimum_random_rating, maximum_random_rating].


>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> embeddings = Embeddings(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]), norm=True)
>>> generator = RatingsFromEmbeddingsCorrelated(coherence=.5, ratings_dim_candidate=np.array([[.8,.4],[.1,.7]]))
>>> generator(embeddings)
Ratings([[0.23727006, 0.82535715],
         [0.76599697, 0.49932924],
         [0.30300932, 0.35299726]])